Recipe Ingredient Tag
A Recipe Ingredient tag is not counted towards your tag license limit, but each will be the parent of an I/O tag that may be counted if it contains a read or write address. I/O tags that are memory tags (without read or write addresses) are not counted.
If you are building your first recipe, start by reading Recipes and Batch Processing before creating recipe-related tags and widgets.
A Recipe Ingredient reads, writes and holds one of the values that makes up a recipe. Recipe Ingredient tags must be descendents of a Recipe Book, and should be descendents of the Ingredients tag within the Recipe Book structure.
Each Recipe Ingredient tag has a child tag named Ingredient Value. Do not edit or otherwise work directly with the Ingredient Value tags.
A Recipe Book can contain multiple recipes. Each Recipe Ingredient tag will hold only the value for the recipe currently selected in the Recipe Page. If an ingredient is not used in a given recipe or recipe version, the value for that tag is zero or Invalid. Values for use with each recipe in the Recipe Book are stored in a comma-separated values (CSV) file, and loaded into the ingredient tag when you select each recipe or version within the Recipe Book.
Recipe Ingredient tags can be created automatically from information stored within an Access™ database file or an Excel™ spreadsheet. Look in the Recipe Page for the import tool.
Each Recipe Ingredient tag has as a child I/O tag named Ingredient Value, which may be a memory tag, or may be used to read or write the value from or to the PLC. These I/O tags are configured using expressions and (in general) should not be edited directly. You cannot change the name of an Ingredient Value tag.
To change the name of a recipe ingredient, change the Ingredient Name property in the I/O tab or the properties dialog. The tag name is not the ingredient name, although it is easier to manage ingredients if they match.
The built-in Recipe Page will display all Recipe Ingredients for a Recipe Book automatically except for the three that are created automatically: The Recipe Name, Recipe Version and Batch Number.
A Recipe Ingredient tag can be drawn on any page using a control widget. This might be done if building a custom page for defining or viewing the recipes of a Recipe Book.
Every Recipe Book will contain an ingredient tag named "Recipe Name". If versioning is permitted, there will also be an ingredient tag named "Recipe Version".
Recipe Ingredient tag properties, I/O tab
Holds the name used to identify the ingredient in the Recipe Book's CSV file and in an Access® or Excel® file (for imports and exports). Ingredient names must be unique within a Recipe Book.
Changing this parameter will automatically update the CSV file.
The Ingredient Name parameter is also used as the column name in an Access or Excel table. If you want to read from or write to a file, your Ingredient Names must match the column names.
I/O address on the PLC for this ingredient.
Data Type
Identifies the type of data required by the ingredient. May be any of Analog, Discrete, Digital (1-bit), or String.
Equipment Type
If an equipment type has been defined for this ingredient in the SystemStyle tag, it can be selected here. On the recipe page, users will be able to pick from a drop-down list of the labels defined in that equipment type for the value they want to configure.
Actual values for these labels are 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ...
All equipment types for use with recipe ingredients must be defined in the default SystemStyle tag. There is no option to choose an alternate style tag.
Engineering Units
Provide the units of measure that the value represents.
Digits After Decimal
Limits the number of digits shown after the decimal point wherever this tag is displayed.
Minimum value that may be written.
Maximum value that may be written.
Proportions Tag
Optional. Link to a Recipe Proportions Tag. Doing so allows you to set a multiplier applied at run time, or specifies that this ingredient is one of several that must make up a predefined total.