Trihedral is pleased to announce a Certified Solution Provider agreement with TriJay Systems Incorporated of Line Lexington, Pennsylvania.
About TriJay Systems Incorporated:
TRIJAY Systems, Inc. is an independent systems integrator specializing in the furnishing of process control systems which encompass industrial instrumentation, PLC packages, and PC based control room architectures. UL listed control panel requirements are filled through in-house manufacturing capabilities and field services cover installation, start-up training, and extended maintenance. PLC and computer services cover all recognized brands and include extended warranties on both hardware and software products.
Support services for third party instrument manufacturer products allows for the furnishing of such systems without qualifying performance. With a reputation proven by fifteen years of on-time and on-budget contract completions, TRIJAY serves primarily the eastern seaboard of the United Stations. Targeted industries are mainly environmental and pollution control in nature and they are served either directly or through prime contractors.
Contact: 215-997-5833
Click below to read the Certified Solution Providers Overview