Trihedral is pleased to announce a Certified Solution Provider agreement with Champlain EP&C Inc of Chambly, Quebec.
Champlain E P&C Inc. is specialized in Electrical systems, Protection and Controls for hydro generation plants. We provide turnkey solutions and specific services including Engineering, Project Management, Documentation, Supply, Installation and Commissioning. Our project task force is based on highly experienced engineers and technologists with a proven track record of successful projects execution.
System integration is key to all of our activities. Whether for complete electrical systems rehabilitation or the simple upgrade of a component such as controller, human interface/SCADA, protective relays, exciter, governor, medium voltage switchgear, station services or instrumentation, our designs always take into consideration the functional integration. An equipment can only perform its intended function if carefully selected to satisfy the required performance, provided with coordinated interface points and properly documented so it can be operated and maintained adequately.
Contact: 438.333.8801
Click below to read the Certified Solution Providers Overview