Trihedral is pleased to announce a Certified Solution Provider agreement with APCO Inc. of North Salt Lake, Utah.
At APCO, we specialize in designing and integrating state-of-the-art control systems for industrial applications. Our goal is to provide the best return-on-investment for our clients. We achieve this through implementing Quality control systems to ensure safety, operability, reliability, and profitability. Our Expertise is unusually broad which gives us the unmatched ability to design, analyze, and implement control systems. APCO is committed to providing prompt and thorough Support whenever the need arises. Previous and current Process Control/SCADA clients of APCO have benefited significantly from the expertise and business practices employed as a normal course of operations at APCO. We pride ourselves on working with the client to provide the system that is Best for them. These benefits are available to all our clients past, present, and future.
Contact: (801)-519-9500
Click below to read the Certified Solution Providers Overview