City of Houston Chooses VTScada Software for 400 MGD Water Purification Plant Expansion – To help meet the growing drinking water demands for the fourth largest city in the US, the utility is expanding the NEWPP to 400 MGD, making this one of the largest active capital water projects in the US at a cost of $1.4 billion. When completed, it will occupy 90-acres and include twin 108” diameter water mains.
Read more about this massive expansion project
A project overview featuring Yvonne W. Forrest,
Deputy Director, Houston Water:
Instantly intuitive integration, non-proprietary communications, and advanced polling management have led to VTScada’s acceptance as an HMI SCADA software standard in the water and wastewater industry.
Water Distribution SCADA

Utilities are under intense pressure to provide clean safe drinking water to their expanding customer bases while maintaining aging infrastructure, all without going over budget.
Advanced water distribution SCADA tools allow utilities to protect valuable drinking water resources by remotely monitoring and controlling their water distribution infrastructure.
VTScada’s water distribution SCADA features like trends, reporting, and alarms help to quickly identify issues that interrupt service and reduce the operational lifespan of distributed water pipes, pumps, tanks, and valves.

Application in Focus: The City of Ocala Water Distribution System
- Rate of change tags
- Flow Calculation Tags
- PSI Monitoring
- CL2 Injection Sampling
- Booster Pump Controls
- Motor Operated Valve Control and Monitoring
- Auto Flushing
- Automated Meter Reading ODBC Interface
Read how Ocala used VTScada to migrate multiple platforms into a unified SCADA system.
Wastewater Collections SCADA
There are several remote components to a municipal wastewater collections SCADA system. They range from gravity sewer lines in areas with shifting elevations to complex integrated gravity and force mains and lift stations. In addition, many collections departments are tasked with managing re-use force mains, air relief valves, flow meters and a variety of other remote equipment. Monitoring and controlling these remote assets can be a challenge, but with VTScada you can put your mind at ease. VTScada is an industry leader in telemetry management.
Wastewater Treatment SCADA
Whether it’s an aerobic plant, an anaerobic plant, a lime plant, an RO plant or just simple chlorine injection…VTScada has you covered. Utilities throughout the world treat billions of gallons of raw water and sewer water every day. These are critical assets and complex processes that many of us take for granted every time we drink from a public water fountain or flush a toilet. Thus it is critical to have a reliable, robust and flexible SCADA software platform to manage these mission critical assets. VTScada leads the way when it comes to mission critical monitoring and control.

Application in Focus: Fountain Hills Sanitary District WWTP and Advanced WTP
- PID Loop Controls
- Multiwrite Tags for Multiple Control Outputs
- SNMP Driver Tag for Network Monitoring
- Unlimited Redundant Historians
- Custom Reports
- MUX Tag for Device and Communication Redundancy
- Easy to Use Trending
- Facility Management Such as Lighting Controls and Building Security
- Camera Integration
- Internet Clients for After Hours Monitoring Remotely
- Support for Over 1 Million Data Points (64 Bit Version)
Hydrologic Data Collection SCADA
Surface water hydrologic data collection involves sensing, collecting, recording, transmitting and analyzing water data. Historically, water quality analysis was done with people manually collecting water samples to be transported back to labs for analysis. In today’s world, more and more government agencies rely on the ability to monitor and analyze these data from a central location. Here at Trihedral, we get data…literally. VTScada monitors and collects data for many hydrologic systems, including two large water management districts in Florida.

Application in Focus: Southwest Florida Water Management District
- Custom RTU Programming Interface
- Public Internet Access to Hydrologic Data
- Logged Data Retrieval From Field Devices
- RTU Programming via HMI
- Oracle Interface for hydrologic Data Modelling
- Direct Drivers for Campbell Scientific RTUs