Trihedral expands in response to 45% sales growth over two years.
The last two years have been an exciting time at Trihedral. New offices in Texas and Alabama, an expanded sales force, and a series of industry recognitions (see below) have helped to boost VTScada software sales 45%. In North America alone, over 50 million people now rely on VTScada for their water and wastewater needs. To meet this increased demand and continue to expand VTScada use beyond its traditional strong holds, Trihedral is proud to announce new sales office Chicago, Illinois. This brings the total to eight offices in three countries spanning six time zones, and serving customers in over 100 countries.

To anchor this office, Trihedral has added new members to their sales team, each with decades of experience in their respective markets.
Dan Naughton – Chicago, Illinois: Dan is a mechanical engineer with years of experience selling industrial computers to monitoring and control customers in a variety of industries. From the new office in Chicago, Dan will be responsible for VTScada sales across the Midwest United States.
- Dan Naughton – Chicago – – 1 (224) 409-8221
Awards Updates
- Plant Engineering Magazine readers just awarded VTScada the Silver trophy in their Product of the Year Award in the Automation and Controls category.
- This week, Trihedral also made the list of Canada’s Top Small & Medium Employers in 2018, presented by Canada’s Top 100 Employers and The Globe and Mail newspaper.
- Earlier this year, Ernst & Young jointly awarded Trihedral President, Glenn Wadden and Vice President, Barry Baker, Entrepreneur of the Year in the Information Technology category for the Atlantic Canadian Region.
- For the second year in a row, VTScada received Honorable Mention from Control Engineering readers for the magazine’s Engineers’ Choice Award in the HMI Software category.