
(VTScada Layer module. Obtain LayerRoot using the following script-only statement: )

    LayerRoot = \System.GetLoadedAppInstance(GetGUID(0, \LocalGUID));
Description: Finds whether the local machine is maintaining changes that have not been deployed, including changes that have been recorded by EditFile but have yet to be committed.
Returns: Boolean
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Configuration Management
Related to: HasCompilationErrors | IsAppEditable | IsRunOnly |
Format: LayerRoot.HasUndeployedChanges()
Parameters: none

This function returns TRUE if the Layer is running with changes that have not been deployed. This may be true if running on a local branch (auto deploy is off), or there are working copy modifications that have yet to be committed such as page changes.


  If 1 NextState;
    LayerRoot = System.GetLoadedAppInstance(GetGUID(0, \LocalGUID));