
(VTScada Layer module. Obtain LayerRoot using the following script-only statement: )

    LayerRoot = \System.GetLoadedAppInstance(GetGUID(0, \LocalGUID));
Description: Returns TRUE if the application is a run-file-only app, according to the WC contents.
Returns: Boolean
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Configuration Management
Related to: AcquireLock| IsRunning | GetAppInstance | GetLoadedAppInstance | GetOEMLayer
Format: LayerRoot.IsRunOnly()
Parameters: none
Comments: The application is defined as run-only if it does not contain source files.
This function should only be launched as a subroutine.
  If WorkingCopyLock Commit;
     { Now that we have the WC lock, make sure the Layer still is editable }
        WriteINIPropertiesObj = Layer\WriteINIProperties(ConfigData, TRUE);
     { Else }
        ForceState("ReleaseLock"); { Abort if app not editable }