Recipe Start Widget![Level 3 topics describe advanced development tools that might be covered in an advanced configuration course.](../Resources/Images/Level3.png)
Used by: Recipe Book Tag
* Does not use the Style Settings tag.
The user interface for building, managing and running recipes is provided by the The Recipe Page. You are advised to use this rather than attempt to build a custom UI with the component widgets.
Operators can use the Start button widget to initiate processing of the currently selected recipe and version, associated with the linked tag.
Each Recipe Book tag contains internal variables to keep track of the current recipe and current version. Every widget linked to a Recipe Book will refer to those variables, using the same current recipe and version for its operation.
Use the Recipe Selector Widget and Recipe Version Widget to choose which recipe and version should be current.
You can require any of the following operator actions when they use this button:
- Confirm the action.
- Enter a number, which will be associated with the new batch.
This is a text field which may contain any relevant information for the batch. - Enter a note, which will then be associated with the batch run.
You can also require that a secondary condition be true before a button press takes effect. A common example might be checking the value of some other Recipe Book tag to ensure that it has finished (or is not running) before allowing the operator to start a new batch.
The properties dialog for the Start widget.
Assign a font to be used for labels within the widget.
Provide a title for the button. Defaults to "Start".
Recipe & Version
Defaults to [Current Recipe], meaning whichever has been selected using the Recipe Selector Widget and Recipe Version Selector.
Alternatively, you can select a specific recipe and version using the two drop-downs. The button will then run only that recipe, regardless of other selections on the page.
Confirmation Dialog
When selected, the operator must confirm the action before processing will begin.
Prompt for Batch Number
When selected, the operator will be prompted for the batch number.
Prompt for Note
When selected, the operator will be prompted to provide a note that will be recorded as part of the history of the batch run.
Additional Enable Condition
Select a tag or create an expression that must be TRUE (1) before operators will be able to use this button to start a batch run.
Disable Options
Disable selected operator-interaction features of this widget.
See: Operator Interaction Controls
Tag Types\Recipes\Recipe Book\