Parameterized Pages
A parameterized page is one that can be reused for similar equipment installations. For example, your application may have multiple lift stations, each housing the same (or similar) equipment. The design of each page shows the equipment and differs only in which set of tags is being shown in a particular station.
Rather than create a separate page for each station, create one. But, link the widgets to parameters in the page rather than tags in the application. Navigational links to the page control which set of tags is used for the parameters when the page is opened via a particular link.
Pages can have a maximum of 100 parameters. If your page requires more than 10, you are encouraged to re-think your design. Perhaps Tag Widgets would be a better solution?
In the following example, a single control page was created, but it can be used for both pump 1 and pump 2 because the widgets are linked to parameters and a different set of tags is used for the parameters in each case. The page title uses a parameter within an expression so that operators will know which pump is being controlled.
A single page, opened twice, showing tags from two separate pumps.
Parameters are typically linked to tags, but this is not a requirement. Parameters can be defined to hold numbers or text as well as tags. In all cases, the navigational link to the page must be configured to supply the value or tag to be used by each parameter.
Add parameters to a page using the Manage Parameters button in the ribbon, as shown. This button opens the Edit Parameters dialog, where you can view, edit or add parameters.
Clicking Add opens the following dialog, where you can configure the new parameter.
The example shows a new parameter being configured. Recommended practice is to ensure that the parameter name is unique, avoiding any conflict with tags or other named objects. The description field should guide developers or operators when selecting the tag or value for the parameter. If the parameter is of type tag, you would typically select which types can be used, thereby guiding later selection of tags to types that are appropriate. Use the Ctrl key to select more than type. Type selection is optional; if none are chosen then tags of all types will be available for use with the parameter.
The same dialog is used when editing existing parameters.
Parameterized pages and plain widgets use parameters in the same way and share configuration dialogs.
Only text parameters can be marked as non-translatable. (Other types are never translated.) Select this for text that should never be translated, such as I/O addresses.
Removing Parameters:
By design, there are no tools in the user interface to delete parameters. The easiest way to remove one is to use the Version ControlVersion Control system to find the change where the parameter was added to the page and reverse that. Otherwise, if you are certain that a parameter is not needed and that it cannot be edited to use for a new purpose, then experienced developers can remove parameters by editing the page's source code, then importing the changed file.