Dynacard Reference Tag

The Dynacard Reference tag allows you to store a particular data set from a Dynacard Input tag as a reference. For example, if you take a known good stroke as a reference, you can display that on the Dynagraph next to the current strokes on an ongoing basis. This allows you to see when the two Dynacard data sets are starting to diverge from one another. References are saved from the Dynacard Graph screen (Dynacard Display).


Dynacard Reference properties Data Sets tab

Number of Data Sets to Display

Choose how many to display, up to a maximum of 10.

Data Set X Color

Choose the color to be used by the matching data set.

Dynacard Reference properties Historian tab


If an Historian tag is selected, this tag's run-time values will be saved for use in reports and the Historical Data Viewer. Historian configuration and advanced logging options are described in the discussion of the Historian Tags.

If your goal is to disable logging, set the Enable parameter (below) to 0 rather than deleting the Historian parameter.

There are consequences if you change the selected Historian tag after you have begun collecting data. If you switch to a new Historian (perhaps for organizational or load sharing purposes), the data collected for this tag by the previous Historian will become inaccessible. Historian selection and configuration should be done during the project design stage.