Dynacard Input Tag

Add a Dynacard Input tag to your pump off controller (POC) tag structure as needed in order to read additional Dynacard data. These tags are created automatically as children of the various POC tags.

Dynacard data is read from the device using a series of Modbus commands rather than from a single address. For example, a “read” might consist of first writing to the controller, then loading its registers with the data you’re looking for, and then sending several read messages to bring back a large block of data). The Dynacard Upload driver handles the reading of this data and then passes the results to the Dynacard Input tags for logging. Dynacard Input tags store all the card data in the historian (Min/Max Load, Stroke Length, etc.) but (currently) the only data shown onscreen are the position/load pairs that make up the Dynacard graph.

Dynacard Input properties I/O tab

I/O Device

The Dynacard Upload Driver Tag that reads the data collected by this tag.


If you intend to allow operators to add notes to the Dynacard graph, you must select the Notebook Tags that they will use.

Reference Card

The Dynacard Reference Tag that may be used to store copies of this tag's Dynacard graphs that you would like to be able to view easily at a later time.

Poll Schedule

Determines the times at which the driver will poll the POC for this Dynacard's data.

Dynacard Input properties Data Sets tab

This tab controls how this tag is presented on the Dynagraph page. You can set the color of the lines for this Dynacard and, if this Dynacard can support the reading of multiple cards/data sets in a single read, you can also choose the number of those data sets to display.

Dynacard Input properties Historian tab

If an Historian tag is selected, this tag's run-time values will be saved for use in reports and the Historical Data Viewer. Historian configuration and advanced logging options are described in the discussion of the Historian Tags.

If your goal is to disable logging, set the Enable parameter (below) to 0 rather than deleting the Historian parameter.