Look here for any special instructions when installing or upgrading your VTScada version.
Avoid Running Installer from Folders with Live Backup
We recommend against running the VTScada installer from a folder that is backed up in real time by services such as Windows OneDrive® as it may interfere with the installer.
Please contact us if you require further clarification.
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Recent Chrome/Edge Update Can Prevent VIC Launch
A recent update to Chrome®, Edge®, and other Chromium®-based browsers prevents the VTScada Internet Client (VIC) from launching from those browsers.
- Known affected versions of Chrome and Edge include v130 and above.
- Known affected VTScada® versions include 12.1.01 to 12.1.56.
- Only affects the VIC.
- Does not affect Anywhere Clients and Mobile Internet Clients.
- Does not affect existing Windows® desktop shortcuts for the VIC.
Recommended Solution:
Step 1 – Update servers to version 12.1.57 or higher.
Step 2 – On each client PC, open the Thin Client launch page in the affected browser.
Step 3 – Choose the “Download VTScada Internet Client” button to update the installed VIC.
Or, if unable to update the VTScada version:
From the Thin Client launch page, choose the “Open VTScada Internet Client” button. When the VIC starts, the Server Address will start with “http//” or “https//”. Add a colon (i.e. “http://” or https://) and continue as normal. After correcting the URL, you can save a shortcut to the desktop by clicking “Save as” in the lower left corner of the VIC sign in dialog. Use this shortcut rather than launching from the browser. Or simply use a non-Chromium based browser like Firefox®.
Please contact us if you require further clarification.
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Rare Alarm Activation Issue
Alarms could fail to activate in versions 12.1.37 to 12.1.40 for I/O tags configured as Digital or Discrete. This could happen if the tag was added or modified (in any version of VTScada) via the Export/Sync Tags or Manage Types panel with the IO tag’s DigitalAlarmTripOpt parameter left blank or cleared.
- Affected VTScada versions include 12.1.37 to 12.1.40 inclusive.
- Not an issue if I/O tags are configured via the Tag Browser.
Recommended Solution:
Customers running versions 12.1.37 to 12.1.40 (both inclusive) are urged to upgrade to version 12.1.57 or higher, particularly if they have used the Export/Sync Tags or Manage Types panel to make tag configuration changes.
Please contact us if you require further clarification.
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