Another Year of Accelerated Growth
Trihedral’s 2014 year end closed on October 31 and the preliminary results reflect another year of record sales propelled by a 40% growth in new systems over 2013.
Trihedral’s 2014 year end closed on October 31 and the preliminary results reflect another year of record sales propelled by a 40% growth in new systems over 2013.
Trihedral is pleased to announce that we have been selected as a finalist in the Software – HMI Software category for the Control Engineering 2015 Engineers’ Choice Awards.
Shellshock, also known as Bashdoor, is a family of security vulnerabilities in the widely used Unix Bash shell. Many Internet daemons, such as web servers, use Bash to process certain commands, allowing an attacker to cause vulnerable versions of Bash to execute arbitrary commands. This can allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to a[…]
We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Ocean Data Systems to provide seamless integration with VTScada and Dream Report.
[…]“My name is Annie Li and I believe that true success is only achieved when you have tackled your goal while also remaining content and enjoying every bit of your path towards your objective.”
[…]The Canadian Forces’ VTScada user interface made a cameo appearance in the show’s season premier as contestants completed a water challenge at the Damage Control Training Facility, CFB Esquimalt in British Columbia, Canada.
Congratulations Blair on your presentation “Reinventing the Role of the SCADA Historian: Distributed Redundancy, Centralized Access” that was presented and awarded Best Presentation at the 2013 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium.
A fun way to use the intuitive, graphic development tools found in the VTScada Idea Studio. How quickly can you fly the stars and stripes? Download the VTScada trial and find out!
The Heart Bleed bug is a vulnerability in web site SSL communications that could allow someone to get information from a server without having security credentials.
Trihedral is pleased to assist Flygt’s Outpost3, enabled by VTscada, in its road show of wastewater solutions.