The VTScada Blog: All Things SCADA

Managing SCADA Complexity - Minimizing Risk

Managing SCADA Complexity – Minimizing Risk

Balancing System Growth Against Destabilizing Uncertainty As managers of the world’s most valuable resource, water and wastewater SCADA systems require the highest level of protection against both internal and external risks. While there is great buzz around cyber-security, precious little attention is given to ensuring the stability of a system against the sheer weight of[…]

Justifying The Cost Of SCADA

SCADA On Tap How experts justify the cost of comprehensive SCADA software in drinking water plants. Due to their critical role in protecting the health of customers, drinking water treatment systems require a high degree of care and oversight. To this end, many utilities have adopted supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems to provide[…]

VTScada mobile SCADA display pages

What’s Next for Mobile SCADA?

A Telemetry Expert Describes How and Why Temporary Mobile I/O Will Transform Remote Asset Management Over the last decade, remote access to SCADA applications has changed drastically driven by evolving technology and end user requirements. What was once a helpful way to check levels and respond to alarms from home has grown exponentially with the[…]

Power Monitoring for Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

Project Completed by Affinity Energy For over 50 years, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) has captured worldwide attention as a modern engineering wonder and an important East Coast travel convenience. The 23-mile (37 km) fixed link crosses over and under the open waters at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay in the U.S. state of Virginia, providing a direct link between southeastern[…]