The VTScada Blog: All Things SCADA

Arrington Automation and TICM Make Advanced SCADA Affordable for Texas Chemical Manufacturer

Last year when a R&D chemical manufacturer needed help with their largest capital project to date; the Greenfield plant construction project, they turned to Texas Industrial Control and Manufacturing (TICM) who provided the electrical design support and control panels for the project along with Arrington Automation to architect the control system, lead the control system[…]

SCADA Graphics

How do you like your SCADA graphics?

The story of an HMI display that stops folks in the aisle. This is the VTScada booth where we demonstrate our monitoring and control software at national water and wastewater exhibitions like WEFTEC and AWWA ACE. Looking like a two-story spaceship, our booth houses a fully-functional SCADA system that includes five redundant operator/developer workstations and[…]

SCADA Drones

Here Come the SCADA Drones!

Engineering students at the University of Alberta use drones and video analytics to detect abnormal objects at remote SCADA system sites and raise alarms in VTScadaLIGHT software. The timestamps of these alarms allow operators to locate the relevant clip from hours of recorded video. VTScadaLIGHT, a free version of Trihedral’s award winning monitoring and control[…]

Tap Water to Traffic Monitoring

Sevierville, Tennessee is the hometown of internationally known entertainer Dolly Parton and is a popular gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Located in Eastern Tennessee, the city has a population of 16,500 residents and is visited by 16 million tourists per year.  In 2013, the city purchased VTScada for monitoring of their water and wastewater[…]