ACWWA Spotlight: Technical – Acadia University

About Acadia University:

Founded in 1838, Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, has a long tradition of academic excellence and innovation. When you step onto Acadia’s campus, you enter a world of opportunity.

2021 Technical Presentations:

Abstract: Diversity In The Atlantic Canadian Water Industry
Day 1: December 7, 2021 at 10:50 AM AT

The ACWWA partnered with researchers at Acadia University to engage in evaluation and analysis of the state of diversity in the Atlantic Canadian water and wastewater industry. A quantitative survey to collect demographics and data on commitment to the industry under themes of Diversity Climate (DC), Work-life Balance (WLB), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sense of Belonginess (SB) comprised Phase 1 of the research, while qualitative data was collected through interviews with industry members and representatives from equity-recognized groups in Phase 2. Demographic data showed a gender gap in respondents aged 45 and over, while below 45 the gender gap disappeared. Almost 30% of respondents were 50 years of age or older, indicating likely retirement of almost a third of the workforce over the next 10-15 years. The Atlantic Canadian water industry is an educated workforce, with 93% of respondents having post-secondary education. There is little ethnic diversity within the industry, but the distribution is largely consistent with the ethnic make-up of Atlantic Canada with the exception that no one identified as having an African or Caribbean origin in the survey. Most respondents identified as heterosexual (97.5%), which may indicate hesitation among members of the LGBTQ+ community to self-identity, even in the context of an anonymous survey. It was shown that sense of belonging and corporate social responsibility are crucial indicators of commitment to the workplace. There were significant gender differences in SB and work-life balance, and generational differences in SB, CSR, and WLB. Interviews suggested a move toward changing the perception that the industry is white-male-dominated, the need for strong leadership in all aspects of employee commitment, and the importance of intentional practices and policies to improve workplace diversity and commitment. Key findings and recommendations are presented for the water industry and the ACWWA.

About Jennie Rand:

Jennie Rand, Ph.D., P.Eng., is an associate professor and the A.D. Foulis Chair in the Ivan Curry School of Engineering at Acadia University in Wolfville, NS. Her professional and research interests focus on water quality and treatment in municipal, industrial, and agricultural settings. Jennie first attended Acadia and then Dalhousie University for her Bachelor of Civil Engineering. After working in consulting, she returned to Dalhousie for graduate studies in water treatment. She has been at Acadia since 2006, teaching students in the first three years of Engineering and running a research program in the K.C. Irving Environmental Centre. Jennie is an adjunct professor in the Department of Biology at Acadia, in the Department of Civil and Resource Engineering at Dalhousie, and a member of the Centre for Water Resources at Dalhousie. She has served as Chair of the ACWWA and is currently a member of the IDE committee.