ACWWA Spotlight: Technical Presenter – Harpreet Rai

Abstract: Sweating the Assets-Optimizing WWTP Design and Operation
Day 3: December 10, 2020 at 11:55 AM AT

Detailed process analysis during design and for WWTP operation can reveal optimization opportunities that can be beneficially exploited for capital and operational cost savings. This presentation will discuss case studies employing such optimization measures that led to significant capital benefits to the WWTP owners. The cases presented are based on projects completed by RVA on WWTPs in southwestern Ontario including WWTP stress testing for higher capacity approval,  energy optimization in plant operation, and cost-effective fixed media upgrades of existing WWTPs for  Higher Capacity.

About Harpreet Rai, Senior Associate, Wastewater Process Lead , R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd.

Harpreet Rai is a Senior Associate and wastewater process lead at RV Anderson Associates Limited with over 26 years of experience in wastewater engineering. His expertise includes wastewater process and research engineering comprising design, commissioning, and optimization of municipal and industrial WWTPs. He has completed numerous projects on capacity, compliance, and energy optimization leading to major capital and operational benefits to the wastewater facilities in Canada and internationally.  Harpreet is an active member of the Wastewater Treatment and Technologies Committee of the Water Environment Association of Ontario, and a Board Certified Environmental Engineer with American Academy of Environmental Engineers.

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