VTScada Constants and Public Variables
The following constants and public variables may be used in your code where convenient. To use, precede with a backslash (\pi).
Public Variables (Read-Only)
\AppTitle | The title of the application. |
\AreaList |
A dictionary of all tag areas in use. Note the following: |
\RunOnly | True if this is a run-time only application. |
\ActiveTheme | The name of the active color theme. (For example, "Electric Blue") |
\OEMGUID | GUID for this application's OEM layer. |
\AppStartupComplete | TRUE when the application has completely loaded and is running normally. |
\DataPath | Full path to the application's Data folder. |
\TraceFilesPath | Full path to the folder holding the application's trace files. |
\WorkingCopyPath |
Full path to the application's source or configuration files under version control, which should not be directly modified without using the correct configuration management APIs. This is usually the ".sync" folder within an application's folder structure. The folder holding the application can be obtained by removing the "\.sync" portion of the string returned by this variable. |
Geometry |
Constant PI = 3.14159265358979; | |
Text |
Constant CR = MakeBuff(1, 13); | Carriage return |
Constant LF = MakeBuff(1, 10); | Line feed |
Constant CRLF = Concat(CR, LF); | CR/LF pair |
Constant ESC = MakeBuff(1, 27); | Escape key |
Time |
Constant SecInMin = 60; | Number of seconds in a minute |
Constant MinInHr = 60; | Number of minutes in an hour |
Constant SecInHr = 3600; | Number of seconds in an hour |
Constant MinInDay = 1440; | Number of minutes in a day |
Constant SecInDay = 86400; | Number of seconds in a day |
Constant SecInWeek = 86400*7; | Number of seconds in a week |
This is a partial list; the full list is not documented.