
Controls whether users can resize the Display Manager when in windowed mode (i.e. when the DispMgrFullScreen variable is set to 0).


Set to 0 to disable resizing or 1 to allow.


Section:  System

Default: DispMgrResizable = 1


Related Variables:


DispMgrFullScreen must be set to 0 in order for DispMgrResizable to take effect.

DispMgrHeight, DispMgrWidth, BrowserHeight, and BrowserWidth variables will apply to the Display Manager only until the window has been re-sized, after which the Display Manager will retain the newly adjusted size.

If DispMgrMinMaxDisabled is set to 1, the Display Manager will not have Windows minimum and maximize buttons, but the window will be resizable by dragging its borders.

The property, DispMgrResizable, is treated as 0 (false) when using multiple display windows with DispMgrHoriz, DispMgrVert