System Privilege Reference for Programmers

The following is a list of general privileges for the current implementation.

Constants must be preceded by \SecurityManager\ unless you have imported the API as described in The SecurityManager API.

General privilege numbers are <= 0.  Custom privilege numbers are >= 16.

The table is complete. Missing values are deprecated privileges.

System Privilege








Permits access to the Application and Configuration dialog, the Import File Changes button on the VAM and the right to delete applications.

Account View



Allows users to view (but not modify) their own privileges.

Account Modify



Allows users to modify their own password, but does not allow them to modify their account privileges.

Accounts Manager



Permits manipulation of the Account List. Allows the user to add, copy, delete, and modify user accounts.

Security Administrator



Permits access to the Administrative Settings dialog and modification of administrative functions. Also required to modify security roles.

Alarm Disable



Allows operators to disable alarms.

Manual Data



Set or change the Manual Data value of a tag without having the Tag Modify privilege.




Change the Questionable flag of a tag without having the Tag Modify privilege.

Alarm Acknowledge



Allows operators to acknowledge alarms.

Application Stop



Allows users to stop the application

Tag Parameter View



Allows users who do not have the Tag Modify privilege to view tag parameters.

Edit Files



Allows users to change files through the Application Configuration dialog. Also required for the Compile button on the VAM. (Formerly called "Remove File")

Deploy Changes



Allows users to perform updates through the Application Configuration dialog.

Revert Changes



Allows users to perform rollbacks through the Application Configuration dialog.

Page Add



Allows users to add pages through the Idea Studio.

Page Modify



Allows users to modify page properties through the Idea Studio.

Page Delete



Allows users to delete pages through the Idea Studio.

Tag Add/Copy



Allows users to add or copy tags through the Tag Browser. Tag Modify also required.

Tag Modify



Allows users to modify tag properties through the Tag Browser.

Tag Delete



Allows users to delete tags through the Tag Browser.

Thin Client Access



Allows users to make connections to a Thin Client Server using a thin client.

Alarm Mute



Allows users to use the Mute button on the Alarm page to mute all current and future alarms.

Alarm Silence



Allows users to use the Silence button on the Alarm page to silence the sounding alarm.

Group Modify



Allows the user to modify pen groups for the Historical Data Viewer page.
If denied, then Group Delete and Group Save are also effectively denied.

Group Save



Allows the user to save pen groups for the Historical Data Viewer page.

Group Delete



Allows the user to delete pen groups for the Historical Data Viewer page.

Pen Modify



Allows the user to modify pen properties for the Historical Data Viewer page.

Note Add



Allows the user to add notes to a notebook tag using the Historical Data Viewer page.

Alarm Page Access



Allows the user to access the Alarm page.

Reports Page Access



Allows the user to access the Reports page.

History Page Access



Allows the user to access the Historical Data Viewer page.

Thin Client Tools Access




Thin Client Monitor Access



Allows a user at a thin client connection other than the MIC to view the Thin Client Monitor page.

Thin Client Monitor Admin



Allows a user at a thin client connection other than the MIC to operate the Thin Client Monitor page.

Page Note Edit



Allows a user to add, edit or delete page notes.

Page Note Hide



Allows a user to make page notes hide without deleting them.

Advanced Version Control



Allows a user to switch or revert versions in the Version Log.

Application Manager View



Allows users to view the VAM when the Setup.INI property, HideWAM, is set to TRUE.

Manage Tag Types PrivBitManageTagTypes -41 Allows use of "Create new type" and "Redefine type" in the Tag Browser. Allows use of "Manage Types" in the Application Configuration dialog.
Alarm Shelve PrivBitAlarmShelve -42 Enables operators to shelve alarms, leaving them enabled but deactivating all notifications.
Sites Page Access PrivBitSitesPageAccess -43 Allows a user to open a Sites page.
Maps Page Access PrivBitMapPageAccess -44 Allows a user to open a map
Operator Notes Page Access PrivBitOpNotesPageAccess -45 Allows a user to open the Operator Notes page.
Edit Data PrivBitEditData -46 Edit historical data by creating overrides.
Remote Data Access PrivBitRemoteDataAccess -47 User may retrieve data via SOAP or REST
Control Outputs PrivBitControlOutputs -48 Deny output operations for all I/O tags not otherwise protected by a custom privilege.
Global Tag & Area Filter PrivButUserFilter -49 Filter tag and alarm lists by tag name and by area.
Recipe Edit PrivBitRecipeEdit -50 Change recipes
Batch Run PrivBitBatchRun -51 Start recipe batches
Recipe Page Access PrivBitRecipePageAccess -52 Open the recipe page
Edit Roster Contacts PrivBitEditRosterContacts -53 Edit contacts in Roster tags.
Remote Tag Value / History Retrieve PrivBitRemoteTagHistRetrieve -54 Restricts access to the main History table when making remote queries.
(Access to defined SQL Views can permitted on a tag-by-tag basis.)
Services Page Access PrivBitServicesPageAccess -55 User may access the Services page
Server Change PrivBitSwitchServers -56 User may force a service to change servers
Lock Add/Remove PrivBitLockAddRemove -57 User can create Control Locks and can remove Control Locks over which the user has "ownership"
Lock Admin PrivBitLockAdmin -58 User can remove any Control Lock
Token Request/Release PrivBitTokenRequestRelease -59  
Token Admin PrivBitTokenAdmin -60 Able to release a control token from any tag.

Three other constants are defined, which are duplicates of values in the above table. These exist for backward compatibility.

PrivBitRemoveFile == PrivBitEditFiles

PrivBitUpdate == PrivBitDeploy

PrivBitRollback == PrivBitRevert