Deprecated. Do not use in new code.
(Engine-Level Function)
Description: | Returns a Tag value, which works like (and in place of) a Normalize value. |
Returns: | Tag |
Usage: ![]() |
Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Graphics, Generic Math, Variable |
Related to: | Normalize | Rotate | Scale | Trajectory |
Format: ![]() |
Tag(Value, LowInput, HighInput, LowScale, HighScale, Mode, Freq) |
Parameters: |
Value |
Required. Any numeric expression to be normalized. |
LowInput |
Required. Any numeric expression, which represents the lowest normal input value of Value. This is not a limit. |
HighInput |
Required. Any numeric expression, which represents the highest normal input value of Value. This is not a limit. |
LowScale |
Required. Any numeric expression, which represents the lowest normal scaled value of Value. This is not a limit. |
HighScale |
Required. Any numeric expression, which represents the highest normal scaled value of Value. This is not a limit. |
Mode |
Required. Any numeric expression. Deprecated, but must be present and valid. |
Freq |
Required. Any numeric expression. Deprecated, but must be present and valid. |
Comments: | This function scales an expression from the low and high input range to between low and high values. The return value is a Normalize value. If a Tag value is used in an expression, it will return the scaled value. |
pumpFlow = Tag(rawPumpFlow, 0, 4095, 0, 150);
This sets the variable pumpFlow to a Tag value. The variable rawPumpFlow is scaled from between 0 to 4095, to between 0 and 150. This Tag value might be used to scale a rectangle (to show a bar graph of the pump flow), as shown:
GUIRectangle(0, 100, 100, 0 { Rectangle bounding box }, 1, 1, 1, pumpFlow, 1 { Scale top of bar only }, 0, 0 { No trajectory, rotation }, 1, 0 { Visible; reserved }, 0, 0, 0 { No focus, selection }, 12, 15 { Lt red, white outline });
The variable pumpFlow could also be reused in other expressions, graphics functions, rotations, or trajectories.