

Set tag value.

Set is somewhat different from other functions in this reference. Set is a submodule that is a part of every tag that is able to write a value.

It is included in the general function reference only for ease of discovery.

Warning: Use only when a standard VTScada widget is not available for your custom code.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Related to: OkToWrite
Format: TabObject.Set(NewVal)
The value to write to the tag.

As a general practice, you should use the existing VTScada widgets to create control objects on your pages. But, there may be times when you need a custom button or other control that will write a value to a linked tag. For this, you can use Set.


If WinButton(232, 148, 412, 100,
             0                      { normal appearance }, 
             Concat("Press Me ", ButtonPresses) { label },
             1                { focus id enables button },
             0                    { default system font },
             ToggleVal                   { monitor state});
  { Write 1 to the relevant tag. }