(Engine-Level Function)
Description: | Performs a scope resolution and returns a reference to the requested member within a module or other object. |
Returns: | Reference |
Usage: ![]() |
Script or steady state. |
Function Groups: | Basic Module |
Related to: | Variable | ScopeLocal | LocalScope |
Format: ![]() |
Scope(Object, Member[, ScopeLocal]) |
Parameters: |
Object |
Required. Any expression for the object value (module) where Member may be found. |
Member |
Required. Any text expression for the member name. This must be a simple variable or module. |
ScopeLocal |
Optional. A Boolean expression. Defaults to FALSE if missing, invalid or if a non-Boolean is provided. If set TRUE then the call will not search up the scope tree for name matches. |
Comments: |
This function is the same as the '\' operator, when the '\' operator is used between two operands. (Object\Member). Unlike the backslash operator, the Scope function allows any text string to be used. If you can use LocalScope instead of Scope, then you should. For example, perhaps you have a tag widget and want to draw range bars based on RangeMin & RangeMax. If you use \Root\RangeMax, and for some reason the tag linked to the widget does not have a RangeMax, then the Scope operator will walk up the scope tree, perhaps finding a RangeMax variable in a parent tag. It is likely that you would rather have an Invalid in that case rather than some parent tag's range value, therefore it is better to do \Root.RangeMax. |
Example 1:
Scope(Code, "TagName");
Returns a reference to the given tag object.
Example 2:
Given the following tags:
If MyContext\IO_1 is configured to use MyContext\Port1\Driver1, the DeviceTag parameter will typically be set to "Port1\Driver1". The IO tag gets its driver tag as follows:
Scope(Root, DeviceTag);
That is, Scope(Root, "Port1\Driver1");
Operations inside the string other than backslashes are not supported. The local scope dot operator is not supported.
Using ScopeLocal. Given the following:
Scope(Code, "MyService\Ready");
The Scope operation will never find a variable called "MyService\Ready" in Code, but could find a variable called MyService containing a service object, which itself contains a variable called Ready. This Scope() would return the value of that Ready variable.
If the MyService object does not contain a variable called Ready, but Code does contain a Ready variable, then Scope will return the value of Code's Ready variable, which may not be what is desired. If the ScopeLocal parameter is added and set to TRUE, then it will return Invalid because it will not scope up from MyService to the Ready variable in Code.