
Description: Removes a certificate from a certificate store.
Returns: Integer. Zero for success or a system error code.
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Certificates
Related to:

AddCertificate | CheckCertificateChain | FindCertificate | GetCertificateInfo | ListCertificates | MakeSelfSignedCertificate | SetCertificateProperty

Format: RemoveCertificate(MachineStore, StoreName, Thumbprint)


Required Boolean. If TRUE (non-zero), attempts to remove the certificate from a store in the Local Computer certificate hive. If FALSE (zero) attempts to remove the certificate from a store in the Current User certificate hive.
Required text. The name of the store from which to remove the certificate.
Required. A binary buffer holding the SHA1 thumbprint of the certificate to remove.

A SHA1 thumbprint is used as the certificate identification to ensure that the certificate is uniquely identified and the intended one is removed.

You can obtain the SHA1 thumbprint of a certificate from a number of other certificate statements. For example, AddCertificate returns a SHA1 thumbprint and a thumbprint can be found in the certificate information structure returned from ListCertificates, GetCertificateInfo or FindCertificate.

Thumbprints are convenient, compact values that can be persisted and used again later.


RemoveCertificate(FALSE, "My", CertificateInfo.SHA1Thumbprint);

This will attempt to remove a certificate identified by the SHA1Thumbprint in structure CertificateInfo from the Personal store in the current user’s certificate hive.