(Engine-Level Function)
Description: |
Instantiates a message using default values. This is useful where a non-trivial message type is used as it allows the script code developer to create an instance of a message suitable for encoding without re-defining the message structure. |
Returns: | |
Usage: ![]() |
Script Only. |
Function Groups: | Protobuf |
Related to: | ProtobufDecode | ProtobufEncode | ProtobufParse |
Format: ![]() |
ProtobufInstantiate(ProtobufHandle, MessageTypeName[, optionalsAsInvalid]) |
Parameters: |
ProtobufHandle |
A Protobuf handle returned from ProtobufParse. |
MessageTypeName |
The message type to use for decoding. This is the full name, that is, if the .proto file includes a package name "com.trihedral.protobufexample" and the message name is "AMessage", this would be "com.trihedral.protobufexample.AMessage". For nested messages this also includes all ancestor messages |
OptionalsAsInvalid |
Optional Boolean. Defaults to FALSE when unspecified or invalid. When TRUE, fields in a Protobuf specification file that are defined as optional are not given a default value when instantiated. |
Comments: |
Generates a VTScada data structure based on the loaded proto file, so that the structure can be populated with data from script code before being used in a call to ProtobufEncode. |
Given a Protobuf specification file held in "example.proto" in a sub-folder protobuf of an application:
syntax = "proto2"; package com.trihedral.protobuf.example; message VersionInformation { required string name = 1; required double version = 2; }
The following code parses, instantiates, encodes and then decodes a message:
< {============================= ProtobufExample ===============================} { Demonstration of parsing, encoding, decoding and instantiating Protobuf } { messages. } {=============================================================================} ProtobufExample [ Protected ProtobufHandle; Protected MessageInstance; Protected EncodedMessage; Protected DecodedMessage; ] ProtobufExample [ If TRUE; [ ProtobufHandle = ProtobufParse(Concat(Layer.GetWCPath(), "protobuf\example.proto")); MessageInstance = ProtobufInstantiate(ProtobufHandle, "com.trihedral.protobuf.example.VersionInformation"); = "VTScada"; MessageInstance.version = 12; EncodedMessage = ProtobufEncode(ProtobufHandle, "com.trihedral.protobuf.example.VersionInformation", MessageInstance); DecodedMessage = ProtobufDecode(ProtobufHandle, "com.trihedral.protobuf.example.VersionInformation", EncodedMessage); Return(); ] ] { End of ProtobufExample } >