Description: |
Returns an array of all Point-to-Point Protocol handles on the local machine. This includes all such handles, whether inbound or outbound and whether made by VTScada. |
Comments: |
A PPP handle is a structure, defined as follows. To access these values, use the PPPStatus command as follows: PPPStruct = PPPStatus(Handles[I]);
rr1 = PPPStruct\ConnectionID; Variable | Contents |
ConnectionID | Only valid for outbound connections. The GUID used in the temporary phone book used to dial the call. PPPDial creates a temporary RAS phone book in the Data\Temp folder of the VTScada installation folder. It is removed on graceful exit of VTScada. Each outbound call is given a unique call ID (a GUID) that is entered into the phone book. | State | A numeric value identifying the state of the connection. There are many intermediate states, but the significant ones are 2 (dialling), 8192 (connected) and 8193 (disconnected). | Error | Zero indicates no errors. When non-zero, this holds a standard RAS error code, normally in the range 600-800. | RemoteIP | The IP of the remote end of a connected or disconnected connection. | LocalIP | The IP of the local end of a connected or disconnected connection. The IP is not invalidated after being set, so that script code can handle transient connections. | DeviceName | The same as the DeviceName parameter of PPPDial. This is the Windows-assigned friendly name for the device that the connection is made through. |