(Dialog Library)
Description: |
To be used for Tag I/O address entry. Checks whether the attached driver has an AddressAssist module and uses that if available. Otherwise, presents a standard edit field into which the I/O address may be entered.
Returns: | Nothing |
Usage: ![]() |
Steady State only. |
Function Groups: | Graphics |
Related to: |
GUITransform | AddressEntry | PAlmPriority | PAreaSelect | PCheckBox | PColorEdit | PColorSelect | PContributor | PDroplist | PEditField | PEditName |PFileChooser | PHSliderBar | PHueSelect | PImageSelect | PIPAddressList | PIPListenerGroup | PMultiCheckBox | PPageSelect | PPhraseEdit | PRadioButtons | PSecBit | PSelectObject | PServerListName | PSpinbox | PTimeZone | PTypeToggle | SiteDispParms |
Format: ![]() |
\DialogLibrary.PAddressEntry(ParmNum, IODevice, SupportedData, FunctionType, Title, FocusID[, Trigger, DrawBevel, MinVal]) |
Parameters: |
ParmNum | ||||||||
Any numeric expression giving the parameter number (from 0) in the caller to alter. | ||||||||
IODevice | ||||||||
Any expression for the object value of the I/O device driver being used. | ||||||||
SupportedData | ||||||||
A bitwise expression, indicating the data type. (See: Bitwise Parameters & Operations)
FunctionType |
A Boolean expression controlling whether the function should be read (FALSE) or write (TRUE). |
Title |
Any text expression to use as the title for the field. |
FocusID |
Boolean. If this value is FALSE (0), the field will display its current setting, but cannot be opened (i.e. its value cannot be changed), and will appear disabled (grayed-out). |
Trigger |
A parameter whose value is derived from ZEditField and can therefore be set to "0" (internal buffer changed), "1" ("Enter" key pressed), or "2" (focus lost). If this information is not required and the next parameter is used, a value of invalid or a constant may be substituted. |
DrawBevel |
Any logical expression. If TRUE, a bevel is drawn around the graphic. |
MinVal |
Optional. Any expression giving the minimum value or minimum number of characters to be accepted by the edit field (depending on the data type). This value may be a decimal, octal or hexadecimal value. If this parameter is valid and a value less than LowLimit is entered in the field (or there are too few characters, in the case of text value), the variable set by the field will revert to the previous value. No default: |
Comments: |
Usual height of the GUITransform: 45 - 55 pixels. |
{***** Address *****} GUITransform(30, 160, 230, 115, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 { No scaling }, 0, 0, 1, 0 { No movement; visible; reserved }, 0, 0, 0 { Not selectable }, \DialogLibrary.PAddressEntry(\#Address { Parm number }, Scope(\Root, Parms[\#SitePoint]) { IO Device }, 0b010 { SupportedData: Analog }, TRUE { FunctionType: Write }, \GetPhrase("AddressLabel") { Title }, TRUE { Focus ID }, Trigger { trigger }));