
(Engine-Level Function)

Depending on the context in which it is used, this command has two different purposes.

Description: If used with a variable which is not a dictionary, this command attaches meta data to that variable, thereby creating a dictionary object. The primary purpose in this case is to provide a means of associating extended data with a variable.
If used with a variable which is a dictionary, this command will return the value associated with the specified key.
Returns: Varies - see description
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Dictionary,  Variable
Related to: Dictionary | RootValue
Format: MetaData( dictionary, key,  [case sensitive] );
Required. A variable name that will become the dictionary.

Required. A text value. Integers may be used, but will be cast to text.

This will become the first key within the dictionary.


An optional Boolean, controlling whether the dictionary will use case sensitive keys or non case sensitive.

TRUE (default) defines a non-case sensitive key.

FALSE defines case sensitive.

Example 1: Adding meta data to a variable

X  =  42;    { X is an integer variable with the value 42 }
MetaData(X, "A",  1 ) = 10;

  X becomes a case sensitive dictionary having a root value that is the integer 42 and possessing one key, "A", that has the value 10.

Example 2:  Retrieving the meta data from a dictionary

X  =  Dictionary(5);
X["A"]  =  42;
Y = MetaData(X, "A");

Y will now hold the integer 42, being the value stored with the key "A" in the dictionary X.