
(Engine-Level Function)

Description: Writes memory allocation information to a file.
Returns: Boolean indication of success or failure.
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Memory I/O functions
Related to: Memory
Format: MemTrace(Tracefile, Lowstamp, Highstamp, Lowsize, Highsize, LowID, HighID, Done[, AppendMode])
Required. Any text expression for the name of the file to generate.
Required. The low timestamp range specifier. Defaults to 0 if Invalid.
Required. The high timestamp range specifier. Defaults to 1E99 if Invalid.
Required. The low size range specifier. Defaults to 0 if Invalid.
Required. The low size range specifier. Defaults to 0xFFFFFFFF if Invalid.
Required. The low caller id range specifier. Defaults to 0x0000 if Invalid.
Required. The high caller id range specifier. Defaults to 4096 if Invalid.
Required. A return variable, which will be set TRUE after the memory trace file has been written. MemTrace is a threaded function.
Optional Boolean. When TRUE, causes the function to skip writing the output file's header and appends to the output file rather than rewriting it. Defaults to FALSE.

If the file was generated, TRUE is returned, otherwise, FALSE is returned.

This function traces only the memory used by the bubble that calls the MemTrace function. In most cases, this will be the top-level System bubble.

If you want to trace memory across multiple bubbles, call MemTrace with ApendMode FALSE in the first bubble, and then call it in each other bubble (one at a time) with the parameter set to TRUE.