(Alarm Manager module)
Description: | Given an alarm record, returns the user name associated with the transaction. |
Returns: | Text |
Usage: ![]() |
Script Only. |
Function Groups: | Alarm |
Related to: | GetAlarmList | GetAlarmObject |
Format: ![]() |
\AlarmManager.GetUserNameOfRecord(AlarmRecord[, TrimRealm]) |
Parameters: |
AlarmName |
Required record. A reference to the alarm, as returned by the function GetAlarmObject. |
TrimRealm |
Optional Boolean. If TRUE, and if the user is a member of a security group, the realm (group) will be trimmed from the result. |
Comments: |
This function is intended primarily for presentation purposes. |
[ NRecords; Records; Done; Progress; AlarmAckedBy; ] Init [ If 1 WaitResults; [ \AlarmManager.GetAlarmList(&Records, &NRecords, "History" { History list }, TRUE { Snapshot and done }, TRUE { Include shelved }, FALSE { No configuration records }, "Record\Action == ""Ack""" { Filter for Ack events }, Invalid, Invalid, FALSE { No calculated fields }, CurrentTime(1) - 7200, CurrentTime(1) { Records for the last two hours }, 100 { Limit to 100 records } , &Done, &Progress); ] ] WaitResults [ If Done Main; [ { Starting with the most recent...} AlarmAckedBy = \AlarmManager.GetUserNameOfRecord(Records[0]);