(Alarm Manager module)
Description: | Passes a new value to an alarm, to be compared to the setpoint. |
Returns: | Nothing |
Usage: ![]() |
Script Only. |
Function Groups: | Alarm |
Related to: | Commission |
Format: ![]() |
\AlarmManager.EvaluateAlarm(AlarmName, Value[, TimeStamp, Custom, Description]) |
Parameters: |
AlarmName |
Required text. Unique name for the alarm. Typically the unique ID, which can be obtained using GetAlarmName. |
Value |
Required. The new value to be checked against the alarm setpoint. |
TimeStamp |
Optional UTC timestamp of the value. Defaults to the current time. |
Custom |
Optional structure of custom fields to be logged with the event. |
Description |
Customized description, used if it differs from the description given to Commission. |
Comments: |
EvaluateAlarm should be called every time your tag's Value changes. |
Every tag that has commissioned an alarm should include the following line of code within its Refresh state:
{ Evaluate alarm condition } \AlarmManager.EvaluateAlarm(AlarmName, Value, Timestamp);