
(System Library)

Description: Draws a control similar to a Droplist, but rather than a flat list, a tree of possible selections is displayed.
Returns: Object reference.
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: System
Related to: Bevel | CheckBox | ColorSelect | DropList | Edit | GridList | HScrollbar | Listbox | RadioButtons | SpinBox | SplitList | TextBox | ToolBar | VScrollbar | TreeControl
Format: System.DropTree(Left, Bottom, Right, Top, TreeData, Title, SelectedKey, FocusID, FTrigger[, DrawBevel, AlignTitle, DlgRoot, Trigger, BGcolor])
Any numeric expression for the left coordinate of the tool.
Any numeric expression for the bottom coordinate of the tool.
Any numeric expression for the right coordinate of the tool.
Any numeric expression for the top coordinate of the tool.
The data to display, in Node array format. The format is the same as for a call to TreeControl
Any text expression to be used as a title.
The key of the selected item. Must be a variable, and may specify initial selection.
Any numeric expression from 0 to 32767 for the FocusID.
The Focus Trigger of the DropTree.
Optional Boolean. If TRUE (non-0) a bevel is drawn. Defaults to FALSE.
An optional parameter that is any logical expression. If TRUE (non-0) the title is included in the calculation for vertical alignment. The default is FALSE.
Optional. The object value of the root dialog. Used for alignment of the DropTree.
Defaults to the caller if not specified.
An optional numeric expression. Initially set to zero (0) when the DropTree opens.
If the user presses the Escape key or closes the extended window, then Trigger becomes 1.
Optional background color of the control.

This function allows the use of disabled options - grayed in appearance and unselectable.
The following set of helper functions is available. These may be added to the caller of DropTree to add special handling of certain events.

  • OnLeftClick(NodeArray)

- Subroutine: The left mouse button was released over a tree node.

  • OnRightClick(NodeArray, X, Y)

- Subroutine: The right mouse button was released over a node. X and Y are the coordinates of the mouse.

  • OnDoubleClick(NodeArray, X, Y)

- Subroutine: The left mouse button was double-clicked over a node. X and Y are the coordinates of the mouse.

  • CreateSubTree(NodeKey)


  • ExpandTreeToNode(NodeKey)

- Recursive Subroutine: Used for SetSelected call, expands to given node

  • Collapse()

- Will traverse the whole tree starting from the leaves, working towards the root, calling CollapseNodes() on each node.