(ODBC Manager Library)
Maintained only to provide backward compatibility with legacy applications. Do not use in new code.
Description: | Populates a grid list using the results of a database query |
Format: ![]() |
\ODBCManager\DBGridList( DSN, UserName, Password, SelectQualifier, Fields, Tables, WhereFields, WhereOperators, WhereValues, WhereAndFlag, UserQuery, ColName, ColFormat, ColCellWidth, RowHeight, TitleHeight, ExtDisplayRef, AutoResizeWidths, OrderBy, LockFirstColParm, SortParm, SelectedRowParm, SelectedColParm, Horiz, Vert, Refresh, DataPtr) |
Returns: | Numeric |
Usage: ![]() |
Script Only. |
Function Groups: | Database and Data Source |
Related to: | GridList | AddConnection | BuildDelete | BuildInsert | BuildSelect | BuildUpdate | ConvertToDbDate | ConvertToDbTime | ConvertToDbTimeStamp | ConvertToVTSDate | ConvertToVTSTime | ConvertToVTSTimeStamp | CopyRecords | DBDropList | ErrMessage | ExecuteQuery | ExecuteQueryCached | FlushCache | FormatBatchQuery | GetConnList | ResultFormat | StatsWin | TableSynch | Transaction | TransactionCached |
Parameters: |
Required. Datasource name to query. |
UserName |
Required. The user name in the database for authentication. |
Password |
Required. The user name in the database for authentication. |
SelectQualifier |
Required. SQL selection qualifier, such as "top 100" etc. |
Fields |
Required. An array of field names to query for |
Tables |
Required. An array of tables to query from |
WhereFields |
Required. An array of fields named for SQL WHERE clause |
WhereOperators |
Required. An array of Operators for the SQL WHERE clause |
WhereValues |
Required. An array of Array of values for the SQL WHERE clause |
WhereAndFlag |
Required. Set 1 for AND of where fields, reset for OR |
UserQuery |
Required. Overrides Fields, Tables, & Where when defined |
ColName |
Required. Text array of titles for displaying data |
ColFormat |
Required. Text array of format qualifiers for each of the values. |
ColCellWidth |
Required. Array giving the size to use for the cells columns |
RowHeight |
Required. Height of the data rows. Set to invalid to use the defaults. |
TitleHeight |
Required. Height of the column titles. Set to invalid to use the defaults. |
ExtDisplayRef |
Required. Object value of where ColFormat modules located |
AutoResizeWidths |
Required. Automatically resize the widths to fit the available space |
OrderBy |
Required. Field names for ORDER BY clause only used |
LockFirstColParm |
Required. TRUE to lock column 0 while horizontal scrolling |
SortParm |
Required. Enables grid list sorting |
SelectedRowParm |
Required. 0 - based value of row of selected item |
SelectedColParm |
Required. 0 - based value of column of selected item |
Horz |
Required. Horizontal scroll position |
Vert |
Required. Vertical scroll position |
Refresh |
Required. Set flag to re-query data |
DataPtr |
Required. Pointer to data read from db in [Col][Row] format |
Comments: | This module is a member of the ODBCManager Library, and must therefore be prefaced by \ODBCManager\, as shown in "Format" above. |