
(Engine-Level Function)

Description: Sends a message to the given bubble.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Bubble and Thread
Related to: Bubble |BubbleList | BubbleQueueLength | BubbleReceive | RunInBubble
Format: BubbleSend([Message, BubbleHandle, QueueName])
Optional. Any packable value (including an array, dictionary, or structure) that will be sent to the destination bubble. If not provided, an Invalid will be sent.
Optional bubble handle as returned by the Bubble and BubbleList functions. Specifies the bubble where the message will be sent. If Invalid or not provided, the message will be sent to the parent bubble.
Optional text. The name of the queue that the message will be queued on. If not provided, it defaults to the empty string “”. Any time you specify a new string, a new queue will be created internally.

Message contents are always deep-copied when they are sent. Therefore, changes to streams and data structures that have already been sent to another bubble will not be reflected in the copy in the other bubble.

Messages on a particular queue will be received in the order that they are sent.

Note that message queues live for the lifetime of a bubble, so it is best not to continually generate and subsequently discard queue names, as that will cause growing memory consumption.


Refer to the example in the Bubble function description.