
(Engine-Level Function)

Description: ActiveWindow returns the object value of the root module instance in the current active window.
Returns: Object value (See: VTScada Value Types)
Usage: Script or steady state.
Function Groups: Window
Related to: ActiveCode | ActiveState | CurrentWindow | Window
Format: ActiveWindow( )
Parameters: None

the ActiveWindow() function returns the active window for the UI where it is being called. For example, if it is being called in an object running on a thin client, then it will return the object of the active window on the thin client. Otherwise, it returns the active VTScada window on the machine running VTScada, across all applications.

Child windows (those with bit 9 set in their Window call) are not recognized as separate entities. Clicking on a child window returns the object value of the root module in its parent window. This is not true for owned windows (those with bit 15 set in their Window call), which return the object value of the root module instance in the window.


  Object = ActiveWindow();