Tag Icon Marker

Used by: Widgets

Most VTScada widgets contain a tag icon marker. This is the yellow symbol that blinks a question mark when the linked tag's Questionable flag is set, and an exclamation mark when the linked tag is using manual data. If a widget has not yet been linked to a tag, the indicator will show a star (asterisk).

A Tag Icon Marker is added to all user-created tag widgets automatically. For it to function, the tag that the widget will link to must have at least one of the properties, "Questionable" or "ManualValue".

In the case of user-created tag widgets for tags that do not have either of those properties, you are advised to remove the Tag Icon Marker from the widget. This is most often the case when the widget is designed for use with a user-defined tag type, created from a Context type.

The properties dialog for the Tag Icon Marker widget:

Root / Drawn Tag

If the root tag has the property, "Questionable", this will find that parameter and link to it.


If selected, the empty yellow marker will be visible on the widget, within the Idea Studio. This is not the case for VTScada widgets, all of which include a Tag Icon Marker, but may be useful for your custom widgets.

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