Omron I/O Addressing

The addressing for Omron C-Series PLCs in VTScada is made up of two parts, the memory area and the address. The address string is made up of a two-letter memory designator and an unsigned integer value as outlined in the following table. Although the Host Link protocol does not support bit reads or writes, VTScada does support bit addressing when writing or reading the word registers. Caution should be exercised when writing bits because all bits in the affected register will be written.

The addressing for Omron Host Link driver bits supports the period ( . ) separator, as well as the backslash character ( / ), enabling the use of the standard addressing format utilized by Omron.

The bit address is an optional part of the address string. A complete address for an Omron C-Series PLC would be in the following format:


Where MM is taken from the first column in the following table, dddd is the register number, and BN is the optional bit number.

The following table shows the addressing values for Omron C-Series PLCs.

Prefix Description Channel Digits Channel Bit
AR Auxiliary Relay 2 Yes Yes
TC Timer/Counter 3 Present Value Status (don't add digits)
T Timer 3 Present Value Status (don't add digits)
C Counter 3 Present Value Status (don't add digits)
DM Data Memory 4 Yes No
HR Holding Relay 2 Yes Yes
IR Internal Relay 3 Yes Yes
LR Link Relay 2 Yes Yes
SR Special Relay 3 Yes Yes
TR Temporary Relay 0 No Yes
EM Extended Memory 4 Yes No

Examples of Omron Addressing:


The data types of the Omron registers are set by appending one of the following strings to the end of the address string:


The default data type is unsigned word integer.

For a list of all available data type suffixes that can be used for tag I/O addresses, please refer to Data Type Suffixes for Tag I/O Addresses.