Koyo Address Translation
A Koyo address will consist of an address key (one or two letters) followed by an octal value. For example, a Koyo address might look like "SP612".
Koyo Address Keys |
X |
SP |
Y |
C |
T |
CT |
S |
V |
GY |
GX |
Attempting to provided an invalid octal value in the Koyo format will result in an error condition. Further information about the relation between Koyo's format and standard Modbus addresses can be found in the Koyo documentation.
Standard data type suffixes are supported
Reads that cross boundaries such as Y/C will fail under the default driver settings. If you experience this problem, set the Modbus Compatible driver's Maximum Coalesce Gap to 3, thereby separating the reads.
Koyo Click: These use six digit addressing. If attempting to use an address in the 10000 range, you may need to add a leading zero.
For example, if trying to reach holding coil address 16001, VTScada will interpret this as input coil 16001. You must enter the address as 016001 in order to read the correct address.