Font Tags

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

Font tags contain style settings (including font file selection) that are used throughout your application. This is the only tag type that does not have a numeric value, having instead a VTScada font type.

Several font tags are standard on every installation of VTScada, and you may create your own. The standard fonts are illustrated here:

As a general guideline, if you need fonts that differ in appearance from those that are built-in, you should create new Font Style tags rather than modifying the existing set. Built-in font style tags are used by certain VTScada user interface elements, which may be adversely affected by a significant change in font characteristics.

Font tags appear in the text format ribbon as Saved Fonts.

Font Style properties Settings tab

The Settings tab shows the current property settings, and can be used to change those settings. The majority of the font characteristic setting are accessed by clicking the Change button to open the Font dialog, as illustrated. In addition to the properties set there, you can add the properties, Underline and Fixed Pitch.


Select this option to underline all text created using this style tag.

Fixed Pitch

In the unusual event that the font you select is not available on the computer where the application is later installed, and that font comes in both fixed and non-fixed pitch versions, then selecting this option will cause the search for an alternative font to be restricted to only fixed-pitch options.


The Change button opens a Font dialog that enables you to configure the property settings (font, style, and size) for the selected Font Style tag.