Delta Driver Addressing

The Delta Driver supports both Delta style addressing (such as D0 or X0.0) or standard 6-digit Modbus addressing (4XXXXX). Note that this differs from the VTScada Modbus Compatible driver, which supports both 5 and 6 digit addressing.

I/O tags using the Delta Driver provide access to an Address Select dialog, which supports Delta style addressing based on the Hardware Type selected.

You can read strings from register-based addresses in PLCs such as Delta and Modbus by setting the "String stored in registers" flag of the IO tag, along with specifying the length in bytes. See: I/O Tab, String data type layout

Addressing Prefixes

P Parameter
CR Control Command
SR Status Monitor Read Only
OD Option Device Information
RI Remote IO
SD String Display Description
ID Internal General Definition

Address Types

The following table outlines the types of addresses available for each Hardware type and the type of data held in the address. To access the output bit of Timers (T) and Counter (C, HC), add ".0" to denote that data type instead of the value of the Timer or Counter.

In the format column, "D" denotes "decimal. "O" denotes "octal".

PLC Series
Address Type
Format Range Format Range Format Range Format Range
X Bit DD.DD X0.0~X63.15 DD.DD X0.0~X1023.15 OOO X0~X377 OOO X000~X377
Word DD X0~X63 DD X0~X1023 - - - -
Y Bit DD.DD Y0.0~Y63.15 DD.DD Y0.0~Y1023.15 OOO Y0~Y377 OOO Y000~Y377
Word DD Y0~Y63 DD Y0~Y1023 - - - -
M Bit DDDD M0~M8191 DDDD M0~M8191 DDDD M0~M8191 DDDD M0~M8191
D Bit DDDDD.DD D0~D32767.15 DDDDD.DD D0~D1048575.15 N/A N/A
Word DDDDD D0~D32767 DDDDD D0~D1048575 DDDDD D0~D32767 DDDDD D0~D11999
S Bit DDDD S0~S2047 DDDD S0~S2047 DDDD S0~S2047 DDDD S0~S1023
T Bit DDD T0.0~T511.0 DDD T0.0~T2047.0 DDD T0.0~T511.0 DDD T0.0~T255.0
Word T0~T511 T0~T2047 T0~T511 T0~T255
C Bit DDD C0.0~C511.0 DDD C0.0~C2047.0 DDD C0.0~C511.0 DDD C0.0~C199.0
Word C0~C511 C0~C2047 C0~C511 C0~C199
Bit - - - - - - DDD C200.0~C255.0
DWord - - - - - - C200~C255
HC Bit DDD HC0.0~HC255.0 DDD HC0.0~HC63.0 DDD HC0.0~HC255.0 - -
DWord HC0~HC255 HC0~HC63 HC0~HC255 - -
SM Bit DDDD SM0~SM4095 DDDD SM0~SM4095 DDDD SM0~SM4095 - -
SR Word DDDD SR0~SR4095 DDDD SR0~SR4905 DDDD SR0~SR2047 - -
E Word D E0~E9 D E0~E31 D E0~E9 - -

Delta AX Series PLC addressing using Modbus

The addressing assumes that the default offsets of 0 for MW, 256 for QW, and 0 for IW are set in DIA-Designer. If the offsets are adjusted, the VTScada addresses will need to differ from the PLC addresses to account for the change. As an example, given a PLC that has a QW offset of 300 for registers, then %QW0 on the PLC would be equivalent to %QW44 due to the change in offset.

Digital addressing:

Takes the form of MXI.J, where I is an offset in Bytes, and J is the offset in bits from the Byte offset. For example, if an address of MX0.3 is provided, the Modbus coil would be 100004. If an address of MX2.2 is provided the coil value is 100019.