Table Structure and Notes

VTScada stores history using only it's own proprietary format, which is not a relational database.
The SQL interface allows a limited subset of the SQL language to be used as if querying SQL tables.

The SQL interface exposes the following information for you to query. Fields for each "table" are described within this topic.

For greater security, consider using one or more of the SQL View Tag, each of which can be assigned a custom privilege.
The Remote Tag Value / History Retrieve privilege is necessary in order to run custom SQL queries. Accounts with only the Remote Data Access privilege can see only their assigned SQL views or AlarmHistory, and cannot run their own SQL queries or browse the tag parameter tables.

Alarms table

The current status and the configuration of all alarms in your system

AlarmHistory table

Provides a record of all alarm events at all priorities

History table

All data collected from tags that have loggers built-in or attached. (Notebook values are retrieved in their encrypted form. There is no method to decrypt notes during retrieval.)

History_TPPvalue tables

Summary values over a defined period of time. There can be multiple iterations of the defined time period within the bounds of the query.

TagTypes table

A list of all VTScada tag types, noting which are present in this application.

Parms_TagTypeName table

A list of all parameters defined for a given tag type. Substitute the name of the tag type for "TagTypeName".

Parms_AllTypes table

Similar to Parms_TagTypeName but the fields of this table are the combined parameters of all tag types. Furthermore, the available fields for these tables have been extended to include not just tag parameters, but also extra information such as TagType, UniqueID, ShortName, Value (i.e. the current value of the tag), DisplayAddress (i.e. the address parm as it appears in the Tag Browser), NChildren (i.e. the number of immediate children under the tag). The extra non-parm columns are specified by the SQLTagParmExtraColumns setting

Parms_GroupName table

Like Parms_AllTypes, you can also query on specific tag groups. For example, groups such as "Inputs" and "Container" can be accessed via tables such as Parms_Inputs and Parms_Container. The fields of these tables are the combined parameters of all tag types in the group.

TagGroups table

A list of all the tag groups defined in VTScada

TagGroupMembers table

A list of all tags that belong to a specified tag group.

TagLoggedFields table

A list of all fields logged for a specified tag type.


Since version 11.1, VTScada stores all data using UTC timestamps. This ensures that time zone and daylight savings time boundaries have no effect on data storage. Your queries will need to take this into account.

For queries against the table, History, you can query two available time stamp values:

  • Timestamp - The time reported by the I/O device. If a time stamp is not provided with the value, then the time at which the value was read or calculated will be used.

    This value is indexed, and should be used in all WHERE clauses.
  • StorageTimestamp - The time when the value was written by the Historian.

    This value is not indexed and should not be used in a WHERE clause. Doing so may result in a very slow query response time. StorageTimestamp is not available to be queried in the derivative, data-aggregated :TPP tables.


Prior to release 11.1 of VTScada, tag data was stored in a separate table for each tag, using the server's time rather than UTC. These legacy tables may still be viewed if the application property SQLQueryHideLegacyTables is set to 0.

In applications with more than 10000 tags of any type, you may need to adjust the limits for ODBC query results. Large result sets may take time to retrieve.

To view tag parameter information, the account used to make the query must have the Tag Parameter View privilege. Any tags that are not available to that account due security privileges or Realm-Area Filtering will not be included in the query result. Disabled tags are not returned by the query.

You are strongly advised to include a time range in the where clause of every query. The BETWEEN clause is recommended.

Result sets are limited to 64 columns. Use care if attempting to do a SELECT * query.

Querying Value Attributes

Version 12 of VTScada introduced value attributes. These can be queried using "Value!" rather than "Value" for the field name or array of field names. Value! stores bitwise values according the following table.

Attributes flagged with a star (*) apply only if the I/O tag is attached to a DNP3 driver or a custom driver supporting this feature.

Refer to the constant, #NUM_DATA_ATTR_BITS, to discover the number of bits in data attributes for your version of VTScada.

Bit Number Defined Constant Name Meaning
0 #DATA_ATTR_MANUAL_DATA The value was from the tag's ManualData parameter
1 #DATA_ATTR_MANUAL_ENTRY The value was manually entered
2 #DATA_ATTR_EDITED_DATA The historical value was manually edited
3 #DATA_ATTR_QUESTIONABLE The tag was marked as questionable
4 #DATA_ATTR_STALE_DATA (*) The value was reported as stale by VTSDriver
5 #DATA_ATTR_IMPORTED (*) The value was imported from a CSV file
6 #DATA_ATTR_COMMFAIL (*) The driver experienced a comm failure
7 #DATA_ATTR_QUALITY (*) The tag has marked the value as unreliable
8 #DATA_ATTR_DRIVER_COMMFAIL (*) The PLC reported a downstream comm failure
9 #DATA_ATTR_DRIVER_QUALITY (*) The PLC reported the value may be unreliable
10 #DATA_ATTR_DRIVER_OVERRIDDEN (*) The PLC reported the value was overridden
11 #DATA_ATTR_DRIVER_NODATA (*) The PLC reported there is no data available

Alarms table

Contains all configured alarms.

Column name

Data Type




Unique ID of the alarm



Name of the alarm



Sub-name of the alarm (e.g. LoAlarm, HiAlarm)



Text description of alarm status



0 for inactive, 1 for active



0 if unacknowledged, 1 if acknowledged



0 if enabled, 1 if disabled



Time of the last event for this alarm. May be null. This is the last time the alarm was commissioned.



Message associated with last event



Priority attached to alarm (text, not numeric)



May either denote whether the alarm was reported, or may be used to differentiate between different alarm types.



Numeric value of the tag when commissioning the alarm



The area the alarm belongs to



The engineering units matching the HookPointValue



The operator signed in at the time of the last event.


AlarmHistory table

Contains a record of all alarms that have occurred in the application, including event alarms for operator actions.

Column Name

Data Type




UTC date and time of each alarm event



Name of the alarm



Sub-name of the alarm (e.g. HiAlarm, LoAlarm)



Text description of the alarm event. (e.g. Enabled, Acknowledged, Cleared, Event, etc.)

Disabled Integer 1 or 0 according to the alarm disabled status



Message associated with the event

PriorityNum Integer Numeric value of the alarm priority.



Priority of the alarm (as text, not numeric)






The value of the tag triggering the alarm at the time of the event.



The area the alarm belongs to.



Engineering units associated with the HookPointValue.



The operator signed in at the time of the event.


TagTypes table

A list of all tag types that are defined in the application. Those for which instances exist are flagged with a 1 in the InUse column.

Column Name

Data Type




The name of a tag type.

(example: ABDriver)

Label Text The displayed label for the type.

(Allen Bradley DF1 Compatible PLC/RTU)



Boolean indication of whether the application includes instances of this type


Select * from TagTypes


History table

Contains time stamps, values from all logged tags and recorded statistics from each driver tag in your application. Column names will vary according to tag type.

Data column names will be the full name of each tag, with the name of the logged property appended. For most I/O tags, this suffix will be ":value".

Column Name

Data Type




The UTC time reported by the I/O device. If a time stamp is not provided with the value, then the time at which the value was read or calculated will be used.

This value is indexed, and should be used in all WHERE clauses.



The UTC time when the value was written by the Historian.

This value is not indexed and should not be used in a WHERE clause. Doing so may result in a very slow query response time. StorageTimestamp is not available to be queried in the derivative, data-aggregated :TPP tables.
Tagname:Value Varies Usually numeric, with exceptions such as for String I/O tags.



Only for driver tags. An error value or code associated with a driver's communication error.

Drivername:FailedCount Numeric Only for driver tags. Incrementd on each communication error.
Drivername:FailedRetryCount Numeric Only for driver tags. Incremented if failure occurs on a retry. Drivers will usually retry more than once before designating an error to be an "error on retry". Thus, this count will always be less than or equal to the FailedCount.
Drivername:SuccessCount Numeric Only for driver tags. Count for successful reads and writes, incremented on each successful operation.
Drivername:Quality Numeric Only for driver tags. A mathematically derived indication of communication error rates. Used to show the driver's overall "health".
Drivername:ResponseTime Numeric Only for driver tags. The time it takes the PLC/RTU to receive a command, process it and send a response.
Drivername:ErrorAddress Text Only for driver tags. If an address was associated with the error, it will be recorded here.
<<Other>> Varies Placeholder in this table for columns that may be available for some but not all tags. Query the TagLoggedFields table for the tag type in which you are interested.


SELECT 'Station 1\PLC1\Level:value', Timestamp FROM History ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 10

If your query includes two or more tag names, the result set will be sparse if viewed as a table. For any given timestamp, it is likely that there will be only one logged tag value. Other tag values are marked as "null" for that timestamp. In this case, there is no way to distinguish between values that were not logged at a given time, and values that were logged as null.

Tag value attributes cannot be queried.


Multiple Values per Time Stamp

In most situations, if there are multiple values from one tag with the same time stamp, it is because duplicates were recorded, or values edited (Edit Data). VTScada will store all the values (each with its own sequence ID), but a query will return only the one with the largest sequence ID.

There are situations where different events can be logged to the same tag with an identical timestamp as provided by the I/O device. If this matches your situation, you can tell VTScada to return all the values for that timestamp by adding the property, SQLQueryHistoryNoOverridesTableName to your list of application properties and setting the value to a name you wish to use for the table in your queries.

If using this option, it usually will not make sense to query TPP values other than minimums or maximums. Add the property SQLQueryHistoryNoOverridesTableSupportsTPP as well, setting the value to FALSE to explicitly deny TTP value queries when retrieving duplicates.

Adding the No Overrides property


History_TPPvalue tables

The standard GetTagHistory Modes (Average, Minimum, Maximum, etc.) can be used to retrieve data aggregations over defined time periods referred to as TPP values.


Values that appear to come from a History_TPP table are calculated in response to your queries.

Use care to avoid querying a time span that extends into the future. The last known value will be projected for all time periods after the current date. Your query must provide both a start time and an end time.

Four default values for TPP are specified in the application property SQLQueryTableTPPs, but this is a legacy setting. Your query can be for any TPP value. For example, you may query from the History_15m even though it is not specified in the SQLQueryTableTPPs property.

Example table names: History_1M,    History_1H


For each logged tag in the application, and for the recorded statistics of every driver, this table will contain a column named after the tag and having a suffix identifying the statistic calculated for each time period.

Column name showing suffix

Data type




UTC date and time at the beginning of each time span

Tag Name:Value:Average


Average value within each time span

Tag Name:Value:Minimum


Minimum value recorded in the time span

Tag Name:Value:Maximum


Maximum value recorded in the time span

Tag Name:Value:Delta


Change in value during the time span

Tag Name:Value:ValueAtStart


Value at the beginning of the time span

Tag Name:Value:TimeOfMin


Time of the minimum value recorded in the range

Tag Name:Value:TimeOfMax


Time of the maximum value recorded in the range

Tag Name:Value:ZToNZCount


Count of zero to non-zero transitions during the span

Tag Name:Value:NonZeroTime


Total time within the span that the value is not zero or invalid

Tag Name:Value:Total


Arithmetic sum of the recorded values in the time span

Tag Name:Value:Interpolated


A value interpolated across a range of time spans.

Tag Name:Value:BitwiseOR Long A summary of all bits set in any of the values of the range.
Tag Name:Value:BitwiseAND Long A summary of any bits set in every value of the range


Parms_TagTypeName table

There is one table for each tag type. Column names within the tables match the names of each configuration parameter and rows contain the current value of that parameter for each tag at the time of the query. In the case of parameters that are set by expression, the value at the time of the query is returned, not the text of the expression. Relative tag references will resolve to the tag name. Parameters that are phrases will be converted based on the language configured for the user making the request. Note that parameters marked as encrypted in custom tags will be revealed by the query.

The account used to make the query must have the Tag Parameter View privilege. Any tags that are not available to that account due security privileges or Realm-Area Filtering will not be included in the query result. Disabled tags are not returned by the query.

If a new type is created, it is immediately available to queries. Custom types that are removed will remain available to the query until the next application restart.

See Tag Names in Code or query the TagTypes table for a list of type names.

Column Name Data Type Data Source Description
Name text parameter Tag name
Area text parameter Tag area
Description text parameter Tag description
... parameter Other tag parameters specific to the tag type
TagType text extra field Name of tag type
TagTypeLabel text extra field Friendly tag type label
UniqueID text extra field Tag's unique identifier
<etc> text extra field <fill in the rest of the extra fields defined in SQLTagParmExtraColumns


Select * from Parms_AnalogStatus
Select * from Parms_DigitalStatus

The following query will fail: Select * from Parms_IO. Result sets are limited to 64 columns and the parameter count of the IO tag exceeds this number. Use the following query instead: GET COLUMNS Parms_IO
The available GET queries are listed in SQL: Reference and Examples


TagGroupMembers table

All tags are members of one or more groups; Analogs, Digitals, Containers, etc.

This table contains a list of all tag types and their matching group name. TagGroup names repeat, with an entry for each matching TagType name.

Column Name

Data Type




The name of a tag group. (example: Analogs)



The name of a type that is a member of a matching group.

TagGroups table

All tags are members of one or more groups; Analogs, Digitals, Containers, etc.

This table contains a list of all the tag group names.

Column Name

Data Type




The name of a tag group. (example: Analogs)



How that group name is displayed in the VTScada user interface.




TagLoggedFields table

For most tags, the logged field is named Value, but this is not true of all tags. For example, every driver has seven logged fields as described in Communication Driver Log-Enabled Variables.

Column Name

Data Type




The name (not the label) of a tag type. Repeats for types that have more than one logged field. See the TagTypes table or Tag Names in Code



The name of the field logged for that type.


Select * from TagLoggedFields where TagType = 'IO'