Page Shuffling
You can configure your application to show a series of pages in order, automatically. (In other words, a slide show.) To do so, you must configure a set of related application properties; there is no user-interface tool for this feature. Examples are provided with the property descriptions.
Begin by creating the list of pages to be included in the automated display. (PageShuffleList, PageShuffleEnable) Set the display time for each page (PageShuffleDelay) (either one time for all, or a distinct time for each) and a duration for which shuffling will be disabled when an operator action such as a key-press or mouse movement is detected (PageShufflePauseDuration). You can also set a list of realms for which shuffling is enabled (PageShuffleRealms). All selected realms will display the same set of pages for the same duration - there are no realm-specific configuration options.