Configure Alarms Within Tags

The following steps describe the general process to configure a built-in alarm within a tag. The available options are similar to those found in an Alarm tag but filtered as appropriate for digital or analog modes. Refer to the images that follow the steps.

The Alarms tab of an I/O tag configured as an Analog or Discrete type has both a basic and an advanced mode. Refer to I/O and Calculations tag: Alarms tab (Basic analog type) for relevant details.

  1. Open the "Alarms" tab of the tag.
  2. Choose which alarm to configure.
  3. Select a priority for the alarm.

Initially, all built-in alarms are set to "None" as a priority. The None option exists so that the tag will not be included in a list of disabled tags.

  1. Configure a set-point.

For a digital tag this is a selection of state 0 or state 1.
For an Analog Status, this is any number.

  1. Configure advanced options as necessary for your system.
    Refer to the description of the I/O and Calculations tag or the Alarm Tag for a complete reference of alarm options.

Alarm within an I/O tag in digital mode

Analog Status tags - alarms tab

High alarm within an I/O tag in analog mode